The Post-Algorithmic Society (compiled 07th of July 2024 until 14th of July 2024)

Learning to deconstruct myself from the 'magic' of algorithm has been a long journey of mine since I start letting myself building boundary from these apps and companies. For all I learn, is that people are not social media and social media are not the perfect model of reality. It is time that we let our uniqueness not be define by corporate entity, but which are true to our nature as it is. This is indeed the only salvation we have in this modern era. Don't let algorithm dictate who you are.

The magic of algorithm will begin when you start wondering "where's the next post showing up?" And the fact that we never consciously detailing this question is the reason why all of us are stuck in this vicious cycle. A machine that captures your attention, grab your data, and hypotize you with their recommendation is something that should be deeply think about

The reason why we felt like we are so trapped in such a vicious cycle, is because the means of acessibility is limited due to how environment plays a factor as well. But unironically, our environment adapts to our behavior as well, which may describe this tiring procedd of constantly getting our feet to the ground again.

One thing we can also blame about social media is their tactics of making it very acessible to everyone with just a few tapping. This powerful process is how the magic of algorithm works, and it has been proven multiple time that the people behind this technology and geniuses. If it takes you more than 2 second to do something, then your brain would automatically put it in the less prioritized stuff. What's even weirder is that, we value thing that's right in front of us and also things that does not require a lot of effort

Another thing to reconsidered: being purposeless might be the reason why we are constantly in a state of doom, not being goal-less.

the difference between purposeless and goal-less is how one's state affect the individual and personality itself. Being purposeless agrees that no man's activity is worth more than the time he is resting, but goal-less understand that having rigid task from one moment to another is not what the individual values as its essence. For he is not the goal, and the goal is the medium for his true purpose. So really, what we should be doing is giving back our autonomy of choosing content or information that matter. The set of rules determined by algorithmic system does not serve the needs of sophisticated individual. For the individual is not purposeless, and the accessibility as he understood it governs his autonomy. And while he is living in the algorithmic system, he makes sure that his conscious effort of choosing and non-automatic preference always above everything else.

With deep reflection, I think we know why it can be so awful to let ourselves not be immersed into the magic of algorithm. You start showing symptoms of discomfort and anxiety during your daily routine for no reason, why? Because we actually do not like uncertainty that comes with every single minutes and second that we so something. In hindsight, we can try blaming the behavior of algorithm which build the mindset of expecting more for less effort.

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