The low value content and its inherent accessibility

Our brain cannot differentiate between genuine or false perception, and when its combine with the robust advancement of accessible content being made to suit for everyone's expectations. You have people being addicted to social media.

What are emotions? they're a feedback response to external stimuli, it doesn't matter where does it comes from. But it's very integral to our lifes, it governs our most basic decision making.

Social media merely is a tool for neutralizing our emotions. It sets the bar for our external stimuli that was once crucial for our natural response to the sensation and sensitivity of the wilderness into a product that they can sell to the advertisers.

The way in which our emotions is closely controlled by machine, made to appease the lowest denomination of individual, also lacks the human aspect of moderation.

There's nothing truly authentic about a centralized feeds of non-stopped machine dictating and learning from your behavior in order to built a service that's run on inhumane principle or notion.

But you know what's the worst violation? when their presence is something which we cannot interfere about it. When you see everyone using the same app to see the same content, that's basically the centralized essence of social media.

Is this very terrible? Yes. But, how do we come in terms with such a difficult way to deal with this immovable force? I guess the best way, is just to move beyond it

Social medis gives a constraint around my emotion, you can only feel sad, angry, funny, or laughing if the appropriate external stimuli is given in accordance with the algorithm being served to you