Randomness as a way

For people who cannot work with the usual “to do list” approach, it can be very hard to properly build a momentum or a drive that runs the motivation. However, maybe we can understand task, routines, or actions through the lens of randomness.
Social Media Algorithms is a good example, we know for sure that they aren’t 100% random, they feed in into what we interact with. Even then, the algorithms would still show us video clips of something that is unpredictable, surprising and intimidating. How about we translate this concept into our life?
Randomness, is the main drive to a lot of people, its the reason why algorithm works and why people loves extreme sport. We sometime belittled this concept entirely because it works on background without us knowing. But, randomness is the only way we can move forward or progress.
I think a lot of self-help books or so called youtube productivity miss this point in their “building habits” videos. Most people have a hard time understanding what the task is and the final step into actually doing it. And because lots and lots of people are intuitively not born to embrace orderliness or organization, we always walk with chaos everywhere we go.
Lots of the stuff we actually see on social media about productivity or building routine is absolutely not realistic to majority of people. In truth, the model of reality that people tend to see is through the lens of chaos and unpredictability. It’s so unfortunate that we don’t live in an environment that cater to these groups. Since we live in a world where we can know for certainty the result or outcome which is being done by automation process that does not know any emotions or rebellions.
It’s crazy that we even had to unconsciously submit ourselves to these ‘demand’. Where is the human touch that is being put into carving our wooden toys when we were a child? Where is the human aspect of the things we see everyday?
That’s why, I think the way we think about motivation, drives or purpose should be directed into human-oriented end goal. The ‘purpose’ which we copied, derived, and look up to comes from artificially constructed ideas which was spread around everyone as if it hold any meaning besides submitting ourselves for bigger organization or groups with certain interest of profiting by people’s labor in order to walk on a stairs of human hopes.